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Product Description

Nitrogen/Oxygen Generating Plant by Pressure Swing Adsorption


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Nitrogen /Oxygen Plant based on pressure swing adsorption are much more competitive for small and medium scale of application due to flexibility and economy. They can be supplied in mobile form to adapt to multiple applications even in extreme environments. Modular design and simple structure makes maintenance easier and cheaper. Automatic control mode enables them to work without any supervision.
This oxygen and nitrogen generation system uses pressure swing adsorption principles at normal temperatures, along with clean, compressed air as the raw material, and a carbon molecular sieve as the adsorbent. Due to different adsorption of oxygen and nitrogen onto the carbon molecular sieve surface as well as different diffusion rates, In this way, the two gasses are separated, and nitrogen/oxygen of required purity is produced.



Nitrogen Production


Nitrogen Purity


Oxygen Production

10-500 NM3/H

Oxygen Purity


Dew Point

Working Pressure 0-2.0 Mpa


Scientific Laboratory


Small Scale Chemical Engineering
